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Buen dia  👋🏼 I hope you all are doing so so well!! Got some crazy news for ya… I’m in Nicaragua!! Officially, I’ve left the USA and won’t be back until May! It’s super hard for me to understand. I just wanted to share the joy I have being here this far!
We arrived Monday and it’s currently sunday, so we’ve been here almost a week to adjust and are still adjusting, but we started our ministry and have been getting into the swing of things! I just…. Wow I could screammm I’m so happy to be here!! I get to be here TWO MONTHS!! I can’t put it into words but I’m going to try!!

Before we got to nicaragua, I was extremely nervous. I didn’t feel strong enough for this and especially with our intense schedule and instructions; I didn’t think I was going to like it (learning I don’t like being told what to do… working on that one 😊). But the plane rides were awesome!! We slept in the airport the night before to catch an early flight to Miami then from Miami to Nicaragua! I loveee flying because I love being so high up in the sky and seeing just everything, and also it means you’re going somewhere!! So travel day was a dream and I got lots of excitement for the fact we are going somewhere! And then it dawned of me that this isn’t a two week round trip, and if I don’t get service I might not be able to talk with anyone from home for a long long time! So I put my big girl pants on and said “Jesus, together we can get through anything.” (FYI I do have service, and can text everybody!)

We arrive and I’m in just shock!! Here we flippin go!!! After we get through customs we hop in some busses and drive to base. The drive through the town was just beautiful! Getting to see the beautiful greenery was stunning, and the poverty is real. It’s extremely hard to to stomach but it reminds me of my missions trip to Mexico (SHOUT OUT & GO SIGN UP FOR THE SPRING!!!!) which is like a home to me, so weirdly coming here to a place I’ve never been makes me feel more at home than Georgia did lol. I’m beaming the whole drive, and then we arrive at base. The literal best thing you could imagine! It’s so beautiful here. I could talk for hours about the farm. Fruit trees everywhere, such greenery and freshness. This place speaks the words growth, fresh, & reap. It is just so beautiful. I’ll have to show some pictures soon.

But yes! We were just adjusting to reality and our new home for the first couple of days, and also started ministry! So far, we’ve done prayer walks, hospital visits, the dump, and working on the 70 ache farm we are on! Prayer walks & hospital visits is what I’ve done the most of. for the hospital, we are either going to the hospital to spread hope and joy to the people who are sick and praying for healing for them! Both days we went back to back, and went to the same area and same rooms! Meaning some of the same kids were in the same rooms and we got to bring them hope again and strengthen the relationship. But being at the hospital is hard!! And I am sure being there more I will be able to understand the help I am but it truly makes me sad not being able to do more to help! Some of these kids have been there two weeks and others are just one year old. We also got to go to the newborn baby section, and see one DAY old babies; simply unreal being able to love on new mamas and praying over the lives of these little Latino infants. It has been a very special and hard time in one, and I’m so curious to see what the Lord is going to continue to do through the hospital ministry. One of the best parts is getting there… we get to ride on the back of a truck bed, like 10 of us piled in and and hanging on for dear life! It’s so beautiful here.
For prayer walks we walk around following a guide to some of the houses that are in need of support or random ones and pray over any problems they may be facing and share the hope of Jesus with them. It’s a honor and so special to be able to be in someone’s home! We just say “buena!!!” and someone comes to the door/entrance saying to come in, and so we do! It’s so beautiful to see the joy on their faces and the hardship, because I know they have gone through so much and are such strong people. I am sooooo proud of my Spanish and how I’ve been able to communicate, and it’s been such a blessing to be able to love on them and hear about their life stories and then reply back! It’s so so cool!!! I am loving it. Once again, a little afraid I’m not doing enough, but I know that just spreading hope and helping people however they need it is enough, because it’s not my power trying to help people, it’s Gods. And even though it’s very hard at times due to the poverty or things we see or whatever it may be I know that my little can do a lot thanks to the Lord! (mustard seed sized faith can move mountains!) and so as I continue to do these ministries which are going to be so different everyday for the next two months, my prayer is that I am able to love freely.
Being here, my heart is both sooo happy and still a pang of hurt. I am thinking it’s because I’m still holding onto the things that I want to control maybe… but more so I think it’s because I have fears. Fear of the people around me, fear that I’m not enough, fear of God that He’s disappointed in me, and more. I think these fears and crippling and so I am trying to numb myself out because if better to feel nothing… but then I find myself mission out on the beauty of moments. I think that when I learn to let go and fully trust God, I will be more in the moment and feeling more like myself. 💗💗 But it’s a journey… this whole life is a journey… & so I am working through it each and everyday!! And that’s ok. I believe the Lord is walking us through every season, and though it’s very hard for me right now I’m putting my faith in the knowledge that God is leading His sheep. He is taking care of me, and will continue to do it forever and that’s a pretty good reason to love and follow Him for the rest of my life. The weeks to come are going to hold such beauty and such a challenge as well, and I thank you for all supporting me as I go through each up and down! I love you guys… it’s a happy day! I miss y’all and will see ya next time. 🫶🏼

One response to “Finalmente… estoy en Nicaragua 🇳🇮”

  1. Love reading your updates Aubs! So happy to hear your first stop has brought you so much joy, just as you’re bringing joy to the people of Nicaragua. Lifting you up in prayer each day. Hugs!

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