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Hope everybody’s doing so so well! Currently, I’m in the roller coaster of emotions and feelings but I hope this brings you hope and peace. 😌

The past week was crazy!!! We finished up serving at Sharptop YoungLife, which was super awesome!! We were doing manual labor, and it was so fun to work alongside my new best buds and pull some weeds! It was tiring, but bonding. It did suck to go to urgent care and find out I have strep throat though, and I got three days of being out of work to just sleep. (But like I mentioned in my last blog, I HAD A BED, SHOWER & TOILET!!!) But I’m all good now for the most part!
Toward the end of the week of us serving there we had a worship night! It was super sweet and powerful, and many people came up to me and shared what they felt the Lord was telling them about me. It was super wild… encouraging in the ways of how the Lord is speaking to others about how much He loves me! People came up to me and told me how He truly is proud of me and loves me, and is patient with His work in me. It’s not a rush, it’s not a race, it’s a lovely walk down a beach hand in hand with Jesus forever! Resting in this promise was very relaxing and comforting, and a few minutes later my leader comes up to me and shares how she feels like the Lord is laying a blanket on me, as a symbol of comfort. This made me feel so much peace! I thought it was a little random, but it was such a good visual to the Lord and His love and comfort onto me.
Well, fast forward to yesterday!! This week we’ve been doing debrief, so processing everything we’ve been learning as we’re getting ready to leave the country on MONDAY, Oct 7th!!! We had a worship night last night to bring fresh revival and excitement to our group, expectant in what the Lord is going to do as we go, and He did show up!! During worship I felt the need to go hug Brooklynne on my team, and so I did! Soon each member of our team came over and joined the hug. After our big group hug she was crying, and said how she asked God to send her a reason to stay since she was so afraid of leaving the country, and at that moment we all walked over. 🙂

Also, my friend, Madelyn, went blind in one eye randomly last week. We were all nervous for her, and out of pure faith and the grace of Jesus Christ, we prayed over her eye and she could see!!! She opened it, and she could see! I was in DISBELIEF. HELLO??!! She could see again?? I’ve never witnessed a healing before and I was in full, utter disbelief. I couldn’t believe what my own eyes were seeing or what my ears were hearing. It was crazy. I almost got angry, because it showed me that “Dang God… you still are doing miracles?? My reasons for doubt don’t need to be there. In other words, you’re right God, and I hate being wrong… lol.”
Now, two minutes later, my good friend Holden comes up to me! He said he had a picture of me that the Lord gave Him while He was praying over a prayer request I gave him earlier, and he said, “Aubrey, I picture the Lord wrapping you up in a blanket -“ and I ran away. In my head I said nope, nope, nope. He’s not about to give me the same exact picturing as my leader did five days ago… is he?? And so I let him finish. 😂 He said I see the Lord wrapping you in a blanket while you’re drinking hot chocolate and pouring your heart onto Him. He is receiving everything you say, and then pouring His heart back onto you. Wow. I was in just shock that I got told basically the same thing twice super randomly. I think the Lord is trying to tell me something. ;))

But through this, while I’m almost in disbelief and trying to understand it so much that it’s starting to anger me, I am also in a newfound understanding of God. Obviously, He’s bigger than I thought. And I am learning that He is looking after me and leading me to a way that I need. While I’m having trouble seeing Him sometimes, and easier others, yesterday and the miracles of the day was a clear way to understand His patience, love and intentionality with His kids. He is leading me so PERFECTLY! And I’m learning this now. I don’t understand, but I do know that God is going to take care of me in the midst of my unbelief and misunderstanding. He is going to slowly take me on the journey that He is leading me on, so I just need to ride the wave with Him. He also has shown me His comfort here in the peace and comfort that a “blanket” brings. Which is really cool since comfort is what I have been craving the most as a daughter and sister missing her family. Im still processing this for sure, but grateful that the Lord is somehow working even though I’m not sure I’ll ever understand it. Thanks for reading, and letting me share my heart with you.
<3, Aubrey

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