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Good day yall! It’s morning here for me, and I’m getting ready to make some breakfast with some friends of mine to practice assisting the chef in making food in the other countries! But I wanted to share some cool things from the past few days!

For starters, I’ve been landlocked to this Adventures in Missions Campus for 2 1/2 weeks!!! I haven’t left yet, and I was getting a little stir crazy. I didn’t realize how much I loved the freedom to drive!! So when we packed up to go hike a mountain and spend the night on the summit, I was beyond happy about it! It was so nice to be in a car and feel like I was flying again, but I did get the tiniest bit carsick since it’s been almost 3 weeks haha!😅

We get to the mountain and hike up, and it felt to nice to use my body and exercise like that. It was hard, especially with most of my belongings on my back in a “big pack”, but it was awesome and made me feel strong (yes I am sore). We got to a viewpoint and I was like oh yeah! This is worth it!! But yall, we got to the top…. Unreal. I haven’t seen a view like this on a mountain before. It was beautiful!!!! We could see soooo much at once, and all the storms and sun rays all over the valley. I will say, the moment was pretty much perfect besides my overwhelming desire to have my family there with me. My groups amazing, but I was devastated to be doing this climb without my close fam and it hurt so bad to be experiencing such beauty and they weren’t apart of it.
luckily, I have some amazing aunts who reminded me to fully embrace where I am. Embrace it! This is going to be the last time I’m hiking with this awesome group this here mountain. All this to say, emotional roller coaster is the new name of the game 🤣 I definitely was sooo happy to be there, so in awe of God and just as sad all in one! But the view was worth the climb, and I know enduring this hardship of this time is worth what’s on the other side too.
To continue, God has been teaching me that I am who I am!! I am made exactly as He made me, and He’s proud of me. I don’t need to change unless He draws me nearer to Him in a way that He wants to fix some of the crevices of my heart, but He’s not a God that abruptly hurts or changes you. He’s slow and steady. So knowing this I’m walking with joy that my God is walking me through my each moment by holding my hand and He’s not forcing me to become some crazy missionary girl. But I do need to sit with Him and let go of the control and pressures I’m putting onto myself to walk in even more freedom. Is this going to be easy? No. But can I do it because of the strength God has given me and who I am?! Yes. It will be well with my soul. It is well with my soul.

4 responses to “Mt. Yonah & New Findings w the Lord”

  1. Audrey,
    Your blog is so inspiring. I so love to read about your adventures, challenges and spiritual journey. May you continue to be flood by the presence of God holding you in his arms and walking with you every step of the way. Prayers and blessings for you each and every day. Shalom! Shalom! 🕊️🙏🏼🕊️

  2. Aubrey!!! Praying for you daily at 12:11, and today the spirit prompted me to check your blog… and oh boy, what a treat it was to read your thoughts and how you are processing this huge change. Paul’s encouragement to the Church in Rome, sounds a lot like your experience currently, when he says, His KINDNESS leads us to repentance (change in thinking)! He purposeful and kind, always! Rest in knowing you’re process is totally normal & God is using it on purpose for your benefit and His glory! Love you Aubs! Jenae

  3. I love that you could find the symbolism in this climb… The journey, no matter the hardship, is worth it in the end. You gain perspective from seeing things from a different view point. You have people in your corner, both near and far, supporting you, praying for you, and loving on you. So proud of you! 🤗 Love, aunt lisa

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